Pan American Highway – 30,000 Miles from Alaska to Argentina

How many times have you promised yourself to leave everything and set off? Maybe by living out in a VW van or on the back of your motorcycle. Traveling around the world for months and stopping only to climb mountains and to rest.

That’s what James Barkman, photographer, climber, surfer, and rider has been doing for five years!

James lives his life on his 1976 VW van, doing what he loves by pursuing his passions. And if you think this is already a big deal, it’s because you don’t know yet what he made riding on a late ’90s Suzuki DR650:

“The most demanding experience of my life… a beautiful nightmare!” (Barkman, Iron and Air)

It was a dream that James and two of his childhood friends, Jeremy and Allen, shared since they were kids. Coming across the Americas through a road trip.

“The Pan-American Highway is the longest, arguably the most epic, system of roads on Earth.” (Barkman, Iron and Air)

Years later, those kids grown in rural Pennsylvania were then ready to make that crazy journey reality! From the cold and nearly desert town of Deadhorse, in Alaska, a few miles from the Arctic Circle to the warm and southernmost city of South America, Ushuaia, in Argentina. But that’s not all: the road trip would have been accompanied by rock climbing along the way. The challenge was so traveling in the lightest way possible while carring all the necessary gear for climbing and staying on the road for over one year.

Obviously, before starting, James had some concerns:

“Leading up to the beginning of our trip, intensity levels were at an all-time high. In addition to the demand of physical training and general preparation, … I had just returned from a project in Afghanistan, dealt with a winter of mechanical woes…. and watched my life savings slip away on climbing equipment and moto upgrades. I’ve learned that real adventures don’t come easy. As a friend of mine once put it, “That’s what makes it an adventure and not a vacation!” (Barkman, Fieldmag)

“The possibility of injuries, breakdowns, and failures was intimidating but also exciting. The mystery of the unknown and the open road ahead was invigorating.” (Barkman, Revitsport)

The trip began in the spring of 2017, the same day that Allen graduated from college. After saying goodbye to their families and friends, they started a 4,300-mile ride to North. First step: Alaska. The three guys had to face carburetor issues, bad weather, and even a breakdown to Allen’s bike. A little bit of luck came with a passerby who gave him a 400-mile lift. They finally came to Talkeetna. A ski plane brought the guys to Denali, the tallest mountain in North America.

Seventeen months and 38,000 miles later (about 61,000 kilometers), unforgettable adventures and misadventures were fully lived by the three guys.

Among the most memorable landscapes we want to remember:

  • Mount Hood, Oregon
  • Nevada Desert
  • Mount Whitney, California
  • Joshua Tree National Park, California
  • Baja Peninsula, Mexico
  • Pico de Orizaba, Mexico
  • Uyuni Salt Flats, Bolivia
  • Andes, South America

“I don’t want to live inside the confinements of comfort, and I’m thankful for the places that my motorcycle has taken me, both physically and mentally. I want to live a story worth telling, one mile at a time.” (Barkman, Goalzero)

And you? Are you still willing to leave everything and set off?

All photo credits and quotes to: James Barkman

Keep dreaming

Looking for the Shangri-La

One-Day Trip in Northern Italy – 307 Km

Chapter 1

I know everyone is thinking: “what will be my first road trip once we come back to reality?”

That’s why we want to share with you a one-day road trip to the Italian Alps, to remember what outside is waiting for us!

  • Elevation of 1.892 m (6,207 ft),
  • Located in the Northern Italian Alps,
  • Embraced by two lakes: Iseo and Idro …

You got what I mean, or do you need other clues?

This high mountain pass is a trade union among three valleys in the city of Brescia:
•    Trompia Valley
•    Camomica Valley
•    Sabbia Valley

…  so, the answer is the legendary Croce Domini Pass!!

Many of you have already followed our adventures there. Now, I want to give you further details about a trip we made last summer, on a sunny day in August.


45 Km (28 Ml)

It’s a warm Sunday. Luckily, the weather is on our side. After breakfast, we are on the road. A long and straightway. In less than 50 minutes, we come to Lovere (Bergamo), a quiet town that lies on the Lake Iseo.Back of the Croce Domini Pass One day trip in the North of Italy Shangri La Heritage


Lovere-Croce Domini Pass

48 Km (30 Ml)

The journey begins to become more attractive in the following step. We approach the Camonica Valley, land renowned for its historical past and rock sculptures that are a UNESCO site. The last piece of road welcomes many hairpins bends gaining altitude. When you come across the Italian Alps, you know you will be surrounded by uncontaminated landscapes and vast expanses of green. You can smell the freedom: a light breeze and a blue sky in front of you.


Croce Domini Pass-Lake Idro

39 Km (24 Ml)

Don’t believe that the trip is over, because the journey goes on and other beautiful places await us. We have ahead a long descent. You are not alone on the road. And even if nature is silent, your eyes are catching by green pastures and herds of cows. You may stop the Lake Idro or continue. We decide to go on because we want to see the waterfall of Gorg d’Abiss.

Waterfall Gorg d'Abiss Croce Domini Pass One day trip in North of Italy Shangri La Heritage


Lake Idro-Gorg d’Abiss

24 Km (15 Ml)

We leave the main road for a moment. Sometimes you have to leave the safe way to get into something unexplored. We come to this little town in the Trentino-South Tyrol region. We let the road signs along village roads guide us. It’s time to leave the motorcycle and continue walking. With our helmets in the hands, we are following a path in this magical wood. Sunlight filters through the leaves of the trees. And here there is this stunning waterfall that washes our faces with its finest drops.


Gorg d’Abiss-Lake Ledro

8 Km (5 Ml)

Our stomach is growling. We come back to the motorcycle and our destination is now the Lake Ledro. The road runs along the lake. We see a beach where you can stop. We have lunch, and we get the bathing suit out of our bags. We can not take advantage of the sunny day. It’s time for sunbathing and bathing in the lake.


Lake Ledro-Lake Garda-Salò-Bergamo

143 Km (89 Ml)

After relaxing, in a single shot, we get back to Bergamo. The sun is still shining when we leave, and we can see its reflection on the shores of the lakes beyond. We have to say goodbye to the Lake Ledro and admire the Lake Garda during the route. Thousand galleries carved into the rock of the mountains guide us. The sun lowers at dusk, and it’s nighttime when we are back.


45 Km (28 Ml)

It’s a warm Sunday. Luckily, the weather is on our side. After breakfast, we are on the road. A long and straightway. In less than 50 minutes, we come to Lovere (Bergamo), a quiet town that lies on the Iseo lake.


Lovere-Croce Domini Pass

48 Km (30 Ml)

The journey begins to become more attractive in the following step. We approach the Camonica valley, land renowned for its historical past and rock sculptures that are a UNESCO site. The last piece of road welcomes many hairpins bends gaining altitude. When you come across the Italian Alps, you know you will be surrounded by uncontaminated landscapes and vast expanses of green. You can smell the freedom: a light breeze and a blue sky in front of you.

Back of the Croce Domini Pass One day trip in the North of Italy Shangri La Heritage


Croce Domini Pass-Lago di Idro

39 Km (24 Ml)

Don’t believe that the trip is over, because the journey goes on and other beautiful places await us. We have ahead a long descent. You are not alone on the road. And even if nature is silent, your eyes are catching by green pastures and herds of cows. You may stop the Idro lake or continue. We decide to go on because we want to see the waterfall of Gorg d’Abiss.


Lago di Idro-Gorg d’Abiss

24 Km (15 Ml)

We leave the main road for a moment. Sometimes you have to leave the safe way to get into something unexplored. We come to this little town in the Trentino-South Tyrol region. We let the road signs along village roads guide us. It’s time to leave the motorcycle and continue walking. With our helmets in the hands, we are following a path in this magical wood. Sunlight filters through the leaves of the trees. And here there is this stunning waterfall that washes our faces with its finest drops.

Waterfall Gorg d'Abiss Croce Domini Pass One day trip in North of Italy Shangri La Heritage


Gorg d’Abiss-Lago di Ledro

8 Km (5 Ml)

Our stomach is growling. We come back to the motorcycle and our destination is now the Ledro lake. The road runs along the lake. We see a beach where you can stop. We have lunch, and we get the bathing suit out of our bags. We can not take advantage of the sunny day. It’s time for sunbathing and bathing in the lake.


Lago di Ledro-Riva del Garda-Salò-Bergamo

143 Km (89 Ml)

After relaxing, in a single shot, we get back to Bergamo. The sun is still shining when we leave, and we can see its reflection on the shores of the lakes beyond. We have to say goodbye to the Ledro lake and admire the Garda lake during the route. Thousand galleries carved into the rock of the mountains guide us. The sun lowers at dusk, and it’s nighttime when we are back.

I know, man. Now you can’t wait to go there. Don’t rush! The pass is closed from November to May. So, you have time to think about making this trip one of your most beautiful memories.

Keep dreaming

Looking for the Shangri-La